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Få 10% rabat på dit næste køb, tilmeld dig og bliv abonnent

Vær opmærksom på falske Haglöfs -hjemmesider og -reklamer. Læs mere nedenfor.

This one-of-a-kind mountaineering and hiking destination is where you will get the opportunity to experience the L.I.M SERIES Z|T outfit in challenging surroundings with the support of certified mountain guides. The weekend will include a tour up the mountains in the Chamonix region, and much more. Enjoy good food and great company together with the other winners – it’s a perfect opportunity to meet and enjoy nature with fellow enthusiasts.

How to participate in the competition:

  1. Buy any product from the L.I.M SERIES Z|T assortment
  2. Upload your receipt
  3. Answer the questions in the form and motivate why you should win
  4. Fill in your contact information

Count me in!

17th – 19th February 2023


  • 2 days with Mountain Guides in Chamonix
  • Clinics
  • Accommodation
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Mountaineering and/or extreme hike activities
  • Train tickets to/from the event

Terms and Conditions