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Robert Robertsen


Stamsund, Lofoten

Currently Located:

Main sport:

Hobbies/Other Sports/Passions:
Mountain biking, trail running and climbing


Tell us about your background. A general overview for people on the site to get to know who you are and how you ended up where you are today.
I’m a 23-year-old freerider from the Lofoten islands. I grew up with the mountains surrounding me and started skiing when i was 2 at the local resort. However, when i was 12 I became commited to football and didn’t really give the mountains much thought. When i was done with high school I did one year in the coast guards and it really reawakened my senses. I moved north to Tromsø to study marketing after that, and I took up skiing again. It became more and more like an addiction and so for the last five years i have done everything to improve my skiing, my mountain skills and my knowledge on snow. And well, now i’m here, still skiing and trying to create enjoyable films.

Craziest adventure or experience so far?
Craziest thing I’ve done so far must have been the zapfe couloir, originally a climbing route. Steep as hell, scary and a adrenaline rush like no other. Maybe I’ll go back some day, or maybe I won’t.

Bucket list or dream trip?
Honestly, every adventure feels like a dream trip as long as the snow is good, but I would love to go to Alaska.

Why did you want to become a Haglöfs ambassador?
Good gear, good values and a great crew!

Favorite Haglöfs gear?
Vassi touring jacket or roc mimic hood.

A quote you live by!
"Everything takes the time you have at your disposal."