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Lars Storli



Currently Located:

Main sport:
Freeride skiing

Hobbies/Other Sports/Passions:
Climbing, mix climbing, ice Climbing, speedflying


Tell us about your background. A general overview for people on the site to get to know who you are and how you ended up where you are today.
I have skied since I was three . After highschoould I went to Chamonix to find my self and pursue skiing. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and since day the mountains have been my passion.

Craziest adventure or experience so far?
Skiing down the North side of Aguille du medi.

Bucket list or dream trip?

Why did you want to become a Haglöfs ambassador?
Haglöfs is Swedish, and I am half Swedish ;) They also have good values, a lot of good gear and wide selection. I am good friends with other ambassadors, so its cool to join the team.

Favorite Haglöfs gear?
It must be the Roc mimic hood jacket. Its durable, lightweight and very warm. Its hard to come across a synthetic insulated jacket that is as warm and lightweight.

A quote you live by!
Better to be a lion for a day, then a sheep for a lifetime.